Sunday, February 25, 2007

The One

You probably noticed in the little satirical story below the absolute disdain for the idea of looking for, "The One." This is the idea that God has ordained only one possible person for you to marry and that you must spend your life searching for that one. It is a mystical fairy-tale sort of search through the sand for a gemstone. That description sounds rather exagerated, but it seems to be a prevalent issue. While I believe God, in His soveriegnty, has ordained only one person who is right for each one of us, I don't think that implies we must search diligently until we find that one and get that peaceful, easy feeling somewhere inside. That is not what we are called to. We are called to faithfulness.
Marriage is about two people who have been living faithfully coming together and living faithfully. We are called, when single (a hideous word full of misconceptions), to live in obedience to the loving commands of God's word. Generally this results in marriage, in which we are called to live in obedience to the loving commands of God's word. When a single young man is living his life faithfully to God and finds a woman who is living her life faithfully to God and they search, under the supervision of all their God-given authorities, to find if they can live together in faithfulness to God, then they will know if they have found the one God has ordained for them. It is time for the young people of the church of Christ to grow up and realize they are emulating Him in their relationships. He is our One, our Bridegroom, and He has called us to love Him by faithfully obeying Him, wherever we are at in life.