Monday, February 05, 2007

The White Darkness

On a grey dreary day, the kind that causes little children to stare listlessly out the window, a cold, white darkness desended upon the unexpecting countryside. Weather, in a relentless fit of passion, spread her icy fingers over all the land. The forests, which had once stood as tall, regal sentinals, became distorted shadows of what they had been. Trees, bereft of their noble limbs, stooped, ready to seize the unsuspecting passerby. The land was filled with a chill that would persevere even when the air regained its warmth.

We will have reminders of the Southwestern Missouri 2007 Ice Storm for a very long time. No tree will be the same for years to come. But this is also a reminder of the grace of God. His grace in keeping us safe during times of peril, in providing shelter against the cold when our homes were without heat, in bringing us together as a body after seperating us for a time. In providing cold from which to be sheltered.


A curious few have been wondering where I've been. Before losing power for two weeks, thus being deprived of the wonderful world of internet, I was dreadfully ill. I had planned on taking a trip with a group from our church to a conference in Louisana. Instead I spent the time, and several extra days, layed out hoping to either recover immediately or go commatose until I could recover. Since then I have been trying to catch up at work and regain my strength and the fifteen pounds I lost. The decline in posts has not been over personal attacks, slights, or signs of dislike.