Thursday, February 16, 2006

Valentine's Day... Alone?

Yet another Valentine's day all alone. Or was it?
A lot of people wonder at my singleness. Especially some of my coworkers. Why is such a good looking (and humble) guy not 'involved'? Surely he just hasn't met the right girl yet! Que threats of introduction to all the most beautiful (and perhaps desperate) maidens in the region... It seems to blow many minds that I am waiting until I am prepared to enter into a relationship responsibly, able to persue it to its due and proper end (for those questioning minds: marriage). Egads! a guy who can look beyond the mirror. The very idea that their culture holds no draw on some astounds them.

Sure, I look forward to spending my Valentine's with someone. But I look forward even more to knowing that I hadn't spent it uselessly with anyone else.