Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Dragon Soup for the Soul

I want to write about the sweetness of fellowship on the Lord's day (again). I would write about how, at the beginning of each week, I am refreshed and renewed, ready to go fight the dragons of the world. But I find, that by Saturday, it is as if I become the dragon I must conquer. I would start a noble Prince Caspian, but I become Eustace. But how much more appropriate can it get? How can I enter into the Lord's tabernacle unless I am ready to be made new? How can I expect to eat at His table, unless I am hungry? Drink of His cup, if I am not thirsty? How sweet is the taste of knowing that I cannot live without Christ living in me!

Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good!
Because His mercy endures forever.