Saturday, October 21, 2006

That Which Stems from Cells

I never thought much on stem-cell research before. However, as it is a big deal on the ballot next month, it has come into the cogwheels known as my mind. There are a whole schlew of moral and ethical problems here. The first is obvious, we are cutting into human life! Of course this can be rationalized. The eggs aren't fertalized, so it isn't life yet; it's just tissue, yada yada. I'll let that slide for now. After that they want to justify it by the surplus of embryos stockpiled from fertility clinics. I have a problem here, that goes beyond the moral/ethical fallacies of fertility clinics. Stockpiled surplusses get depleted. Then what? Then our wives and daughter get coerced into pushing their bodies through a brutal barrage of medical treatments to create and harvest the thousands of embryos required for stem cell research. It becomes as "necessary'' as giving blood, and embryos become a tradable commodity. Womens bodies become production facilities for the goddess Science, and the damnable greater good. After all, it just harvesting tissue from bigger blobs of tissue. I don't think Hitler could have thought up a plan this diabolic, or had it swallowed so easily. The American public is demanding it's right to a haulocost! If your worldview has no standard for morality or ethics, I guess that's okay. But we have a moral standard, we have a God, and He requires us to protect the innocent and fatherless, not to lay their necks on the butcher's block. We cannot prey on the defenseless in order to comfort the dying. I'm all for finding cures, but not at the expense of this sort of false dualism; one life for another. This is not the sort of self-sacrifice that Christ displayed, but a cultural cannibalism. In the height of our intelligence we are self-destructive. It is an amazing judgement that the very hand that slaps the face of God, God will use to plunge a knife into the heart.