Saturday, October 07, 2006

Born. Again. And again. And again.

There seems to be some confusion as to my birthday. I only have one. I just celebrate at multiple, random times throughout the year. Some would think this would result in more presents (more birthday celebrations = more presents). This has not been the case. I will also forgoe multiple celebrations, as it seems to be adding to my percieved age, which has had negative ramifications in the relationship department.

Also, to clear up another misconception, I am not addicted to coffee. I could quit anytime I want. Ironicly I don't want. In fact, I have no desire. Coffee is good. Coffee is very good. Coffee is... oh never mind. Seriously, I will not be controlled by anything other than the Word of God. Coffee is awesome, when used as a means of grace, a blessing from our loving Creator. When used that way, then it follows that it should be made to His glory. May I recomend the french press?