Saturday, January 19, 2008

Cupboards, Keys, and Evil Witch-Queens in Full Audio

I found a great new way to enjoy a good book. Just finished 100 Cupboards by ND Wilson (known by some as the strange son of that heretic Doug Wilson). Great book. It's riveting, full of plot twists, action, character, and an evil witch queen. It is definitely the type of book you would pick up and not put back down until you can finish it. But I couldn't do that. You see, I was reading it aloud to my lovely wife. I could only read so much before my voice would begin to go. Two chapters was about my limit. I couldn't read on silently, because my dinner was on the line, and I tend to be ticklish. So I would read a section and put it down. Then I would spend the rest of the next day dying to know what happened. One night I stopped reading, and couldn't sleep because of all the little things going bump in the night ( the book has a slight suspense to it, we're all human). It was great. I highly recommend this approach to reading a good book. Especially the wife to read it to. That part's great.