Thursday, April 20, 2006

A day in the life of...

Wow, I haven't blogged in a while. So, while the minion throngs cry for something profound, it may be good to note that while I didn't blog because I didn't have time, now I just don't have much to say.

Reading: Against Christianity by Peter Leithart. Thought provoking. Deals with the heresies involved in the view of Christianity as a strictly religious practice that doesn't effect social or political realms. Essentially, following his arguements, we have lost the "Church" as it should be. I'm in the section, Against Theology, right now. In it he argues for a more "organic" approach to the Christian life (a term I borrow from Doug Wilson). He points out that you cannot find words in theological books like (but not limited to) hair, blood, sweat, entrails, etc. Or, as one friend from church shared, our theologies and creeds should protect our the life within our church, not be that life.

Listening to: James Jordan. What can I say? Better experienced that shared. Good stuff.

Drinking: St. Peter's Creme Stout. Good in two ways. Reminds me of my good buddies up at St. Peter's Pres. Bristol, VA. The other is in the name. If you know what I mean, you know what I mean.

The weather has been marvelous. Last week we textured (uh, trained) six and a half houses (of, uh, pigeons) in five days. I now have a positively scandalous pic of myself one of those days, when the "pigeons'' were particularly, ah, thick. Sorry, probly won't post it. Somethings innocent eyes just shouldn't see. When its hot its hot and you gotta do what you gotta do to get things done.

Go see Pippin The Jedi. He belongs to our new pastor. The whole family's great to have around. Oh,yeah its nice havin' a pastor, too.